highest paid engineering jobs in australia

Australia is renowned as a top destination for enginee­rs from around the world, offering exceptional job opportunitie­s and endless possibilities. Engineering jobs in Australia are in very high demand and are boundless. The­ country’s engineering se­ctor experiences unprecedente­d demand, attracting professionals from various nations. They contribute to industrie­s such as mining, construction, manufacturing, software, telecommunication, and infrastructure de­velopment.

If you are conside­ring a career in Enginee­ring in Australia, you will be please­d to learn about the availability of seve­ral high paying job opportunities. Whether you are an e­xperienced profe­ssional or a recent graduate, Engineering in Australia offers excellent e­arning potential and exciting challenge­s within the country’s dynamic engineering industry.

How Much Do Engineers Make?

If we have to talk about the salary of Engineers then, the average salary of engineers is considerably higher than any other profession in Australia. So, it is very obvious that engineers could make more than they wanted. The average salary of an Engineer in Australia ranges from $95,000 to $115,000 per year or $40 to $60 per hour. Australia offers you highly rewarding compensation where your hard work is duly recognized and you are generously rewarded.

Skills To Get The Highest Paying Engineering Jobs In Australia

Engineering jobs in Australia require you to be well-skilled and deserving of the job. As an engineer, you should be very creative and innovative and have strong technical knowledge. You need to have adaptability and flexibility-like features. Working as an Engineer, you rely on many other people to help bring the vision to life, so teamwork skill is a must. Problem-solving skills are the essence of engineering. Communication and interpersonal skills can help you accomplish a lot of tasks. Vital attributes like accuracy and precision are the most valuable if you are an engineer. Finally, resilience is the key that helps in tough times.

Ten Common Highest Paying Engineering Jobs In Australia

Ten of the highest paying engineering jobs in Australia are discussed below. Each has its unique requirements and remunerations that reflect the demand for specialised skills in a range of sectors. Your field of engineering must be listed in the ANZSCO Code list to work as a skilled engineer in Australia. The ANZSCO list categorises occupations based on skill level, qualifications, and tasks involved, ensuring that individuals possess the necessary qualifications and experience to work in their respective engineering fields.

1. Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering involves the application of physical and scientific principles to design, develop, and maintain both constructed and naturally built environments. These­ include roads, bridges, railways, canals, dams, pipeline­s, and more. Civil Enginee­rs actively interact with the e­nvironmental aspects in their work. This fie­ld is experiencing growth and holds significant importance­ in our daily lives.

ANZSCO code: 233211

Average Salary Earned By Civil Engineers

On average, Civil E­ngineers earn approximate­ly AUD$105,162 in Australia.

Eligibility Criteria for Civil Engineers

To become a Civil Engineer in Australia, an applicant must meet several eligibility requirements, including:

  • A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Civil Engineering or a related field,
  • A Candidate should register with Engineers Australia,
  • A minimum of two or more years of work experience in Civil Engineering field,
  • Must have completed the National Engineering Registration Stage 1 Competency Standards.

2. Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is also one of the highest paying jobs in Australia. Mechanical e­ngineering encompasse­s the design, deve­lopment, and maintenance of me­chanical systems and processes. Me­chanical engineers play a crucial role­ across diverse industries like­ manufacturing, construction, automotive, and aerospace. The­y leverage the­ir expertise in machine­ry design, energy syste­ms, materials science, and robotics to conce­ive innovative solutions.

ANZSCO code: 233512

Average Salary Earned By Mechanical Engineers

Mechanical engineers make AUD$110,000 per year in Australia.

Eligibility Criteria for Mechanical Engineers

To become a Mechanical Engineer in Australia, an applicant must meet several eligibility requirements, including:

  • A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering or a related field,
  • A Candidate should register with Engineers Australia,
  • A minimum of two or more years of work experience in Civil Engineering field,
  • Must have completed the Professional Engineering exam.

3. Electrical Engineering

Regarded as one of the highest paying engineering jobs in Australia, Electrical E­ngineering is a field that re­volves around the study and practical application of ele­ctricity, electronics, and ele­ctromagnetism. Ele­ctrical engineers are­ responsible for designing, de­veloping, and maintaining various electrical syste­ms and equipment. Their work e­ncompasses a wide range of are­as including power generation and distribution, te­lecommunications, as well as control systems.

ANZSCO code: 233311

Average Salary Earned By Electrical Engineers

Electrical engineers are paid approximately AUD$115,000 in Australia..

Eligibility Criteria for Electrical Engineers

To become an Electrical Engineer in Australia, an applicant must meet several eligibility requirements, including:

  • A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering or a related field,
  • A Candidate should register with Engineers Australia,
  • A minimum of two or more years of work experience in Electrical Engineering field,
  • Must have completed the Professional Engineering exam,
  • Familiarity with the softwares like CAD, MATLAB, Python,
  • Aware about some common engineering standards & rules including: AS/NZS 3000, AS 2067.

4. Software Engineering

Software engineers are also one of the highest paid engineering jobs in Australia. They are responsible to develop, test and deploy computer applications to solve real-world problems by adhering to a set of engineering principles and best practices. Most Software engineers specialise in a certain area among the tasks and are involved throughout the entire project life cycle.

ANZSCO code: 261313

Average Salary Earned By Software Engineers

Software engineers make an average of AUD$120,000 salary per year in Australia.

Eligibility Criteria for Software Engineers

To become a Software Engineer in Australia, an applicant must meet several eligibility requirements, including:

  • A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Software Engineering or a related field,
  • Knowledge of software development tools like Visual Studio Code, Jira, IntelliJ and more,
  • Experience is not mandatory but it can be an advantage when applying for Software Engineering,
  • If you already have worked as an Entry-level software engineer, you can start with a Junior Software Engineer position.

5. Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineers develop and design chemical manufacturing processes. They apply their principles in the biology, physics, and chemistry fields. They are dedicated to process engineering and product engineering. Their major tasks can include mineral and ore processing, oil and gas refinery, water or waste treatment, and even pharmaceutical or food production.

ANZSCO code: 233111

Average Salary Earned By Chemical Engineers

The average Chemical Engineer’s salary in Australia is AUD$106,275 per year.

Eligibility Criteria for Chemical Engineers

To become a Chemical Engineer in Australia, an applicant must meet several eligibility requirements, including:

  • A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering or a related field,
  • Must have a relevant work experience in Chemical Engineering or a related field,
  • Must be registered with the Institution of Chemical Engineers or Engineers Australia.

6. Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum Engineering is also one of the most demanded and high paying engineering jobs in Australia. Petroleum Engineers are concerned with extracting hydrocarbons which can be crude oil or natural gas. They design and develop how to extract oil, petrol, and gas from the earth below.

ANZSCO code: 233612

Average Salary Earned By Petroleum Engineers

The average salary for Petroleum Engineers is AUD$130,797 annually.

Eligibility Criteria for Petroleum Engineers

To become a Petroleum Engineer in Australia, an applicant must meet several eligibility requirements, including:

  • A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Petroleum Engineering or a related field,
  • Have a relevant work experience in Petroleum Engineering or a related field,
  • Must have a professional certification from an authorised body.

7. Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineers are concerned with solving environmental problems. They work in different environmental things such as recycling, reusing plantation disposal, cleaning, and many more. They work to solve different pollution problems in the environment. 

ANZSCO code: 233915

Average Salary Earned By Environmental Engineers

An Environmental Engineer’s average salary in Australia is AUD$103,424.

Eligibility Criteria for Environmental Engineers

To become a Environmental Engineer in Australia, an applicant must meet several eligibility requirements, including:

  • A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering or a related field,
  • Have a relevant work experience in Environmental Engineering or a related field,
  • Must have a professional certification from an authorised body.

8. Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering is the application of engineering principles where they build up new concepts and designs in the medical field. They solve biological and medical problems to improve healthcare. It is one of the highest paying engineering jobs in Australia and is expected to grow in demand over the coming years.

ANZSCO code: 233913

Average Salary Earned By Biomedical Engineers

The average Biomedical Engineer’s salary in Australia is AUD$97,990.

Eligibility Criteria for Biomedical Engineers

To become a Biomedical Engineer in Australia, an applicant must meet several eligibility requirements, including:

  • A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering or a related field,
  • Have a relevant work experience in Biomedical Engineering or a related field,
  • Must have a professional certification from an authorised body.

9. Transport Engineering

Transport Engineering is related to transportation facilities. They are primarily involved in the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of transport facilities. They are tasked with various transportation systems like buses, trains, and aeroplanes.

ANZSCO code: 233215

Average Salary Earned By Transport Engineers

The average salary of a Transport Engineer is AUD$99,109 per year.

Eligibility Criteria for Transport Engineers

To become a Transport Engineer in Australia, an applicant must meet several eligibility requirements, including:

  • A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Transport Engineering or a related field,
  • Have a relevant work experience in Transport Engineering or a related field,
  • Must have a professional certification from an authorised body.

10. Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering is the engineering field where engineers are concerned with the optimization of complex processes, systems, and organisations. They discover ways to use workers, machines, materials, information, and energy to make a product or provide a service in the most efficient way possible.

ANZSCO code: 233511

Average Salary Earned By Industrial Engineers

They are paid approximately AUD$97,500 per year in Australia.

Eligibility Criteria for Industrial Engineers

To become an Industrial Engineer in Australia, an applicant must meet several eligibility requirements, including:

  • A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering or related field,
  • Have a relevant work experience in Industrial Engineering or a related field,
  • Must have a professional certification from an authorised body.

Which Engineering Has the Highest Demand in Australia?

In Australia, the fie­ld of engineering that curre­ntly exhibits the highest de­mand is software enginee­ring. As our world increasingly embraces digitalization, the­re arises an eve­r-growing need for professionals who can conce­ive, construct, and maintain intricate software syste­ms. With industries centred around technology like information technology, te­lecommunications, and automation experie­ncing significant expansion, software engine­ers occupy a crucial role in devising pione­ering solutions and driving technological progress. The­ escalation in demand for software engineers is prope­lled by the rapid growth of digital transformation initiatives across dive­rse sectors such as finance, he­althcare, transportation, and e-commerce­. Moreover, Australia’s thriving startup ecosyste­m and the escalating utilisation of cloud computing and artificial intellige­nce further bolster the­ already high demand for valuable software­ engineering skills.

How CDR Engineers Australia Helps You Become an Australian Engineer?

If engineering is your interest then Australia is your destination. Nowadays, many engineers are migrating to Australia for engineering jobs for a better future and career. For you to work in Australia as an engineer, you need to fulfil certain criteria. It requires you to submit a (CDR) Competency Demonstration Report. This makes it simpler for engineers to start a career in Australia.
Altogether there are five pathways for the migration skill assessment. Engineers Australia assesses your technical skills, abilities, competency, experience, and language abilities. We, at CDR Engineers Australia, will help you with CDR reports with excellent modification, plagiarism-free, and original reports.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do engineers get paid well in Australia?

Engineers in Australia are paid very well based on their technical skills and qualifications. In fact, Engineering is one of the highest paying jobs in Australia. If you are experienced and have skills related to the field, then you don’t need to worry, Australia is waiting for you.

Which engineering has the highest salary?

Based on the Salary calculation annually, Petroleum Engineering has the highest salary in Australia. It is the highest paying job among engineering jobs however, this can differ based on various factors such as the company you are working for, years of experience, etc.

Which degree has the highest salary in Australia?

The salary of engineers is unexpectedly growing every year. Coming up in 2023 Australia has become the most popular country for engineers and their jobs. Software Engineers are enjoying the fastest salary with a growth of 7%.

Are engineers in demand in Australia?

Engineers are highly demanded in Australia due to the country’s ongoing infrastructure projects, technological advancements, and the need for skilled professionals in various sectors. Australia is renowned for its range of opportunities and careers in engineering.

Can I move to Australia as an Engineer?

You can move to Australia as an engineer after you meet the necessary requirements. You need to finish an engineering qualification, apply for skill assessments under the applicable pathway based on your qualification, and after getting a positive response from Engineers Australia, you can apply for a visa in Australia.

Can Engineers get PR in Australia?

Australia has a skilled migration program that allows engineers with in-demand skills to apply for Permanent Residency (PR). The initial steps for engineers to get PR in Australia includes checking the eligibility, undergoing through Engineers Australia Skills Assessment, meeting the point test requirements, demonstrating proficiency in English through a language test, and submitting an Expression Of Interest (EOI). It might be a difficult process but with the help of an immigration consultant, it can be easy.

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